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Lectures & Teaching

Form, the Informal & the Formless”, Columbia University, GSAPP, New York, NY, USA

In 2016 I was invited by Professor Andrew Phillip Heid to give a presentation of my research and work to the advanced architecture studio at Columbia GSAPP. Of particular interest to them was my work in relation to Form, the Informal and the Formless. We also discussed my thoughts on what I think the “status of resistance is today,” both in my work and in the larger field.

White Rainbow Workshop

In February 2016 I was invited by Ashley Gail Harris and the White Rainbow Organization to do a workshop at the 6th Street community centre.
The aim of the workshop was to engage the young and middle school children of the centre, expose them to art and show them how I work with the materials and my process. We had a long discussion about art and how it positively affects our lives and we did a project together using materials that I had brought to show them.

Lectures / Teaching - Maria Fragoudaki
Lectures / Teaching - Maria Fragoudaki
Lectures / Teaching - Maria Fragoudaki
Lectures / Teaching - Maria Fragoudaki

Tulsa Girls Art School, Tulsa Oklahoma

September 2014
I was invited by Tulsa Girls Art School (TGAS) Executive Director Matt Moffett to teach at TGAS in October 2014 and 2015. Tulsa Girls Art School is a non-profit art school that empowers underserved girls through visual arts education in a supportive environment, teaching financial management and life skills. During my stay, I had the chance to talk to TGAS students about Greek mythology and lead a mythology inspired art project with the girls.

I was impressed that she left a career in chemistry to become a full time artist,” says Moffett. “She loves wonder woman and comic book art, and she’s really into empowering girls. I wanted her to come to TGAS to show the girls her abstract techniques.

Lectures / Teaching - Maria Fragoudaki
Lectures / Teaching - Maria Fragoudaki
Lectures / Teaching - Maria Fragoudaki
Lectures / Teaching - Maria Fragoudaki